Draw pencil portraits with simple and easy steps: Draw pencil portraits with simple and easy steps

Draw pencil portraits with simple and easy steps: Draw pencil portraits with simple and easy steps: Draw pencil portraits with simple and easy steps This letter is for you if you want to be guided step by step to learn how to draw penci...

But guess what?

Most of these books only provide nice-looking results of their work and are full of boring description expecting you to learn! Some of the art books may provide step-by-step method but they’re not exactly a ‘truly’ step-by-step guide, there’s quite a huge jump from step A to B!

You see, for a beginner like me who didn’t know how to draw at all, I can’t just learn to draw from a nicely drawn picture. Nobody learns anything by being shown only the final result, anyway. I had spent a lot hoping to learn drawing portraits by attending drawing courses and buying art books.

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